Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: Except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain. Psalm 127:1
Smyrna Primitive Baptist Church was organized at the Bentley schoolhouse April 16, 1870 and it consisted of nine charter members. In the year 1872 committee was appointed on the plans to raise funds to build meeting.
Construction started the church in 1873, but the framework was damaged on July 3rd when a tornado struck between towns of Basco and Bentley. Straightening out framework, and strengthening its supports it still stands true after all these years.
God has truly blessed this little church over the years, and continues to do so even today. This place of fellowship has been thankful place for all the children of God. It has had the blessing of nine ministers who have helped to pastor the flock and set at liberty by God to speak and to serve His people.
“It is our hope that the love and the devotion for the Master will continue to add to our borders and keep us in his hand, for only in him can we hope to survive until we are called to our heavenly home.”
Meetings are held the Week of Second and Third Sundays of the month and an Annual meeting Second weekend in June.